The emblem of the whole of Pálava: an elongated rocky ridge with a television transmitter on top
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You don’t have to travel halfway round the world for
unspoilt nature. We have it here right round the corner.
A walk through Pálava is like leafing through botanical and zoological catalogues. In Pálava you can find eagles, spotted woodpeckers, warblers and butcher birds, as well as diverse biotopes of forest steppes, wetlands, oak and floodplain forests.
It is no accident that Pálava has been a protected landscape since 1976. Ten years later UNESCO included it in its network of biosphere reserves. Put simply, Pálava is an enchanting region with amazing nature.
The emblem of the whole of Pálava: an elongated rocky ridge with a television transmitter on top
Ruins above the village of Pavlov, from which you can see the Nové Mlýny reservoirs
In the former vicarage is a café, where the city boys from Prague have been coming for years
An unbelievably romantic, ruined Gothic castle from the 13th Century
This is the only place in the Czech Republic where the Abyssinian sage grows. You are in a National nature reserve
The most famous ceramic statuette in the world was discovered here: the Venus of Dolní Věstonice
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