The pearl of South Moravia: an unrivalled UNESCO chateau area. Tourists from all over Europe flock here.
Explore Lednice
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The pearl of South Moravia: an unrivalled UNESCO chateau area. Tourists from all over Europe flock here.
Explore Lednice
Just come here and you can hear the popping of corks. Valtice has had wine in its blood since ancient times.
Explore Valtice
The most extensive man-made area in Europe. A breathtaking area registered with UNESCO.
Explore Salets in the Lednice-Valtice area
The former centre of the Moravian Jews, still maintaining to this day its close-knit architectural form.
Explore Mikulov
You don’t have to travel halfway round the world for unspoilt nature. We have it here right round the corner.
Explore Pálava
In the Palaeolithic era Homo sapiens chased after mammoths. Now there is the extraordinary Building of the Year 2016.
Explore Archeopark Pavlov
The most important area for fishermen in the south of Moravia. For other people who come here, it’s a “bit like the sea”.
Explore Nové Mlýny
Here you will discover the spirit of Great Moravia: the most extensive Slavic archaeological site in the Republic.
Explore Slavic Fortified Settlement in Mikulčice